Learning at TLC

Adult Education

Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. All ages.

Pastor Wes Howell leads a group discussion abut a variety of topics relating to our day to day relationship with God. Students add their own knowledge and look for parallels to the lessons in contemporary life.

Youth Ministry

Trinity Lutheran hosts four classes for youth. Any child can attend. Classes are free. Additional information on Youth Sunday School can be found here.

Vacation Bible School

Trinity participates in Pullman’s annual Vacation Bible School. This is a 99 day camp hosted in the city, led by students from Lutherhaven. More information as events warrant but typically late June, M-Th? Cost? Ages? Info link. (also Lutherhaven Congregational Day Camp https://www.lutherhaven.com/camps/day-camps/

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Link to Luke’s Google form: https://forms.gle/vGa3BRyGq5jsLPrQ7