October FIRST Trinity ONline

Our God story moves on! Abraham and Sarah lived about the year 2000 BCE. Their son Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.  Jacob had a gaggle of sons...the youngest was Joseph...colored Dream Coat and all that. He eventually brings his people down to Egypt to same them from a horrible famine...and they settle. 

At first things are good for the Hebrew people in Egypt...but years pass and the regime changes and now they are seen as a threat...dangerous outsiders... enter the story of Moses...


Jacob Wrestles...Trinity Online September 24th

Jacob Wrestles

Our God story continues... Abraham and Sarah have a son, Isaac (laughter). Isaac has two sons; Esau and Jacob. Jacob is second born but spends his whole life trying to take Esau's place. His name literally means, "to pull down...to cheat). His life is a continual wrestling match; with Esau, with Laban, with himself....and here, on the banks of the Jabbok river, with God. 


Trinity Online for September 17

Our Scripture Story rolls on and now we are with Abraham and Sarah at the Oaks of Mamre. Pitching their tents there three wanderers come by on the path. Abraham and Sarah offer hospitality: washing feet and a meal. The Three (actually Yahweh) offer a gift. Even though Abraham and Sarah are well up in years she shall bear a child. Sarah snorts with disbelief, and hearing the laugh God says, "The Child's name shall be Yitz zak (Isaac) which means laughter. 


Trinity for August 6th

Here is your Trinity Online Music and Meditation for the Weekend of August 6th!  We continue looking at a section of the Old Testament called "Wisdom Literature": Books which are much more common in everyday use and practical application.  Job Looks at the question of why rotten things happen to good people.  Proverbs offers everyday advice. Song of Solomon celebrates love and is used at weddings. And today's book: Ecclesiates. In it a elder teacher (Kohelot) tells pupils that in the quest for happiness in life it's the simple things. A good meal with friends,


I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


We had a few issues with youTube we needed to iron out but we are back. 

Here is you Trinity Online for July 30

Tucked into the Book of Proverbs and it's short little wisdom sayings is a Body of material which is both Challenging and Exciting at the same time.  Within popular "hometown" Judaism in the 4 to 5 centuries before Jesus we are introduced to Lady Wisdom; Hochma in Hebrew, Hagia Sophia in Greek. In Proverbs 8 she is the first-born of creation and joyfully participates with God in the artistic acts of creating. Echoes of themes we will hear later, both in the Gospels of Matthew and in John when they are trying to make sense of Jesus.
